Τρίτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Reiki Ryoho (Reiki healing art) and the founder.

Usui Mikao Sensei (1865-1926), the founder of Reiki Ryoho (healing art), attained spiritual enlightenment, and at the same time, a healing ability as a godsend was bestowed upon him in 1922 at the age of 57 while he was fasting and meditating on Mt, Kurama in Kyoto, the ancient capital city of Japan.
Reiki healing art is to channel the energy of the universe and 
an inspired healing art of Usui Sensei, Not the outcome of his researches, or discovery, or re-discovery.

【In the Western countries,it's been incorrectly said that Reiki healing method or formula was rediscovered by Usui Sensei after researches in the Buddhist scriptures.】
Usui Sensei thought that this wonderful gift of healing ability should be shared with people, not keeping it to him and/or his family.
Thus, he opened up “Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai” at Aoyama,Tokyo in 1922.

【In the West, Usui Sensei is said to be a Christian minister and president of Christian based Doshisha University in Kyoto. This is utterly distorted story. He was from beginning to end a lay Buddhist.】

From: http://www.komyo-reiki.jp/english/about_reiki.htm

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