Παρασκευή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Reiki FAQ΄s

 Is Reiki a religion?

No, Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) is not a religion. Reiki Ryoho is spiritual in nature. 

Reiki Ryoho has twofold purposes: healing and spiritual.

Being spiritual simply means that YOU are more aware, more conscious, and more mindful 

of your True Self/Divine Self.

Reiki Shoden (First Degree) is the foundation. True healing comes from within. True 


happens when we are connected to our True Self/Divine Self. Healing starts within us, and 

then, to family, friends, community, etc. No one can truly heal you except YOU.

When the Reiki Master/Teacher attuned me, is she/he transferring the Reiki 

energy to me?

Great question! The answer is No. During Reiju/Attunement, the Reiki Master/Teacher 
awakens your innate gift to heal oneself- the power to heal of your hands. Your Reiki energy level after that the Attunement will depend on your spiritual growth. Reiki Ryoho has twofold purposes: healing and spiritual.

Being spiritual simply means that we are more aware, more conscious, and more mindful of our connection to our Divine Self/True Self.

People who are in tune with themselves are happy, loving, compassionate, forgiving, intuitive, etc. They don't have to prove anything to anyone.

How do I know who is a good Reiki practitioner/teacher?

 1). Know what you want. 
Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) has twofold purposes: healing and spiritual.
Ask yourself a simple question- Why do I want to study, learn, and practice Reiki Ryoho?
2). Word of mouth 
3). Website - What is their mission?
4). Ask questions - Is she/he resonating with your beliefs? 
5). Email your potential teacher and ask more questions.
6). Meet your potential Reiki Teacher
7). Deeds are the criteria of a good Reiki practitioner/teacher - what do they think
- what do they say is a direct reflection of who they are
- what do they do:
Action speaks louder than words
. Believe Nothing - Listen to your heart. Choose your Reiki Teacher. Your Reiki Teacher will choose you.

Everyone has their own path/ journey. The Answers are within YOU!

Can you combined Reiki Ryoho with other healing modalities?

Answer: Yes

Crystals, Chakras, Angels, etc. are great if you believe they work for you. Be mindful that these are not part of Traditional Japanese Reiki. These are add-ons to Western Reiki. The people in the West have a difficult time believing that simple placing of the hands can heal.

As Reiki teachers, we have to be mindful not to confuse a beginning a Reiki student or someone new to Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/ Method).

Keep-it-simple. Reiki is simple and easy to learn. Children can learn Reiki.

NOTE: Be Informed of the existing laws in your Country/State pertaining to healing modalities such as Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/ Method)!

How many Reiki levels and how do I know if it is time to register for the next level?

Reiki levels depends on the Reiki Style that you are currently learning.

Komyo Reiki Kai has 4 levels
Shoden - First Degree/First Level
Chuden - Second Degree/Second Level
Okuden - Third Degree (Inner Teaching)
Shinpiden - Teacher Degree

You're going to know in you heart when you are ready for the next level. Your Reiki Teacher may offer you some suggestions but only YOU will know when the time is right for you to advance to the next level.

Choose a Reiki Teacher that resonates with your beliefs. Your Reiki Teacher is going to choose you. 

How do I best promote Reiki?

Word of mouth

You are a walking Ad. Deeds are the criteria of a good Reiki Practitioner/Reiki Teacher - the way you think, the way you speak, and the way you act.

Individuals who are in tune with themselves can see through you. Be mindful that when someone ask you a question about Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) it can mean 2 things: 1). They don't know anything about Reiki - no idea, no clue of what you are talking about OR 2). They know, read a lot about Reiki Ryoho, and just testing you how much you know.

If you don't know the answer, just humbly say, "that's a great question," I'll get back to you as soon as I get the answer!

What is the difference between Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki? 

Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) is easy and simple to learn. Keep-it- simple. "Less is more"

Traditional Japanese Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) are taught by Reiki Shihans/Teachers. The Shihans/Reiki Teachers strive to teach Reiki as simple, and pure as it can be as it was taught in the 1930s.

Western Reiki has add ons such as chakras, crystals, angels, etc.

Reiki Masters/Teachers have their own preference on what to teach. They vary in their teaching styles, fees, etc.

YOU- a beginning Reiki practitioner have a preference choosing your Reiki Teacher. Your amazing journey is just beginning! Learning is a lifelong journey. You and the Reiki Master/ Teacher are both learning from each other.

Is Reiki ancient?

Be mindful of the Reiki you speak and the Reiki you teach.

Reiki is a Japanese term. Reiki is a common noun in Japan. Usui Sensei (Founder, Usui 

Reiki Ryoho) is not the only one who use the word Reiki. Reiki may mean differently to the 

Reiki is the mysterious/ miraculous, ethereal, transcendental, and sacred energy of the 

universe that sustains life.

Reiki is ancient. No one discovers energy. Reiki is the name used by Usui Sensei for the 

energy of the universe.

Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) is the Reiki that we practice as Reiki practitioners. Is is 

NOT ancient, it is only 91 years old. Usui received the gift of Reiki in 1922 while meditating 
at Kurama-yama. 

Reiki Ryoho is the healing modality that originated in Japan by placing the hands lightly on 

or slightly above the recipient facilitating the recipient's innate gift to heal oneself. To 
simplify things we just say, I'm practicing Reiki instead of saying I'm practicing Usui Reiki 

Which Reiki Style should I choose?

There are many different Reiki Styles. Be mindful that when someone attached the word"Reiki" to their product/s, it does not necessarily mean that they are speaking of Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method).

Although there are many different styles, there are 2 main groups: Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki.

Choose the Reiki Style that resonates with you. Choose the Reiki Teacher that resonates with your beliefs. Learn as much as you can and choose wisely. 

Can we heal the past and the future with #3 Shirushi/Symbol?

This 3rd Shirushi/symbol possesses the power to transcend space and time, but traditionally the symbol is just to transcend space NOT time.

There is a method to heal the past or make one's wishes come true with the use of #3 symbol in the Western Reiki system. It is workable and valid, but in the traditional Japanese Reiki Ryoho there is not such a method. The use of #3 symbol is intended for transcending space (distance), that is, for a distant healing.

A Western mindset is analytical, or the separation of a whole into parts.
* The mind and the body are separate
* The time separates into the present, the past, and the future.

A Japanese (Eastern) mindset is synthetic, or the combining of separate elements to form a coherent whole.
* The Mind and Body are One
* The past and the future is in the NOW, the present moment.

Is meditation part of Traditional Japanese Reiki?

No, however, meditation is one of the ways to help us develop and grow spiritually.

Meditation allows us to connect to our inner wisdom, our True Self/Divine Self. There are many benefits of meditation (Mind Body Spirit)

Is Usui Sensei ( Founder, Usui Rwiki Ryoho) affiliated with Mikkyo Budhism ?

There is no verification!

I want to heal myself and others. How do I heal myself and others?

Each one has an innate gift to heal oneself. Reiki Ryoho (Healing Art/Method) is one of the holistic healing modalities that one can easily learn for oneself.

Remove the "I" - that 's ego. Ego has no place in Reiki healing. 

Remove the " want " - that is desire. Non- attachment and non- doing is the ultimate in Reiki healing.

Now, you are left with healing. True healing comes from within. No one can truly heal YOU except YOU. True healing happens when we are connected to our True Self/Divine Self who is loving, compassionate, happy, forgiving, etc.

How can I best promote my Reiki practice?

* Word of mouth is the best
* Website
* Business cards
*. Volunteer work: Hospice, hospitals, clinics, etc.
*. Reiki Share - you meet your potential clients/students
*. Introductory Reiki classes
*. Brochures, Flyers, Postcards

Remember that YOU are a walking Ad - the way you think, the way you speak, and the way you act is very important. 

FROM: https://www.facebook.com/KomyoReikiNY2212011?hc_location=stream

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