Τρίτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Reiki has gone OVERSEAS.

Hayashi Chujiro (林 忠次郎) Sensei (1879-1940), a captain of the then Imperial Navy of Japan, was initiated into Shinpiden(Shihan or Teacher) in 1925 after having retired from the Navy, and opened his Reiki clinic in Tokyo.

Mrs Hawayo Takata (1900-1980), a Japanese American born in Hawaii, was diagnosed with a serious gall bladder trouble. She made a trip to Japan and was treated with Reiki by Hayashi Sensei.
She recovered completely in four months. And then she worked for Hayashi Sensei as a Reiki student for about one year before returning to Hawaii.

Hayashi Sensei visited Mrs Takata in Hawaii in 1938 and initiated her into Shinpiden (Shihan or Teacher).
Mrs Takata set up her Reiki clinic in Hawaii. 
In her later life, she made 22 Reiki Teachers (so-called Reiki Masters in the West) .
Thanks to their devotion, Reiki Ryoho (Reiki hands-on healing art) has become widespread in the West.

From: http://www.komyo-reiki.jp/english/about_reiki.htm

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