Τρίτη 7 Ιανουαρίου 2014

The I Practice Self Reiki Every Day Badge of Honor

When I learned to practice self Reiki in 1986, I had been a student of meditation and yoga for 25 years. I understood that, like meditation and yoga, Reiki is a spiritual practice. I knew if I wanted to be happy, to heal and to grow, I needed to practice self Reiki every day. So that’s what I did. And practicing self Reiki every day has made all the difference.

Do you practice self Reiki every day?

If you practice self Reiki every day, you too know the difference it has made in your health and well-being, in how you feel about yourself and your life, your sense of meaning, and the quality of your relationships. And when life got tough, you know how your daily practice sustained you. Knowing how profoundly your daily self Reiki has supported you, you want others to know Reiki practice can help them too.

Daily self Reiki, our primary value

The Reiki community is very diverse, yet practitioners from various lineages and practice styles practice their own version of self Reiki every day. Self practice is our primary value, a value which connects us beyond the diversity of our individual practice styles. Our daily Reiki self practice brings us home to ourselves, and unites us with all Reiki practitioners who value daily self practice. It’s time to share our primary value — the simplicity and effectiveness of daily Reiki self care — with the world.

Show the world you practice daily Reiki self treatment

Reiki is widely seen only as a treatment one gets from someone else. That’s too bad. We know Reiki is so much more than that; it is a simple, accessible practice for self care. How can we get that message to the public? I have an idea…

Post the I-Practice-Self-Reiki-Every-Day badge

It’s time people who practice daily self Reiki had a badge of honor — and now you do! I’ve made it very easy for you to tell your community you practice daily Reiki self treatment: a badge that can be freely and easily shared by everyone who shares the value of daily Reiki self practice. Telling people about your daily practice is a service to your community. If you are a home practitioner, it shares your Reiki enthusiasm with your friends so they can find out more if they want to. If you are a professional, it distinguishes you as a committed, serious Reiki practitioner, someone who walks the walk instead of just talking the talk. Knowing you value the practice enough to make it part of every day helps people who respect you to respect Reiki practice. Please publish this badge on your own site or Facebook page, or share it in an email. It’s easy — just copy and paste or drag and drop it where you want it. The badge links to a page that explains why your daily self Reiki is so important. Thank you for all you do to make thoughtful, credible approaches to Reiki practice visible to the mainstream public.

To show the world that you practice daily Reiki self treatment, drag and drop the badge or copy and paste the code into your blog post or web page!


From: http://reikiinmedicine.org/daily-practice/practice-self-reiki/